NEWpath= konyvtar=(/home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/WEBphp_20240507)
Ppath=/home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/_20240507 Pmaszk=(*home*ebonnhu1*cvteszt*_20240507)
Warning : scandir('): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/WEBphp_20240507/webSUBdir_RECURSIVE.php on line 56
Warning : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in /home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/WEBphp_20240507/webSUBdir_RECURSIVE.php on line 56
Warning : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/WEBphp_20240507/webSUBdir_RECURSIVE.php on line 58
**-Ktc(1)/files3DB(0)Subdir_v3:' (__SESSION[Ppath]=/home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/_20240507) __GET[path]= '
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Könyvtárakban lévő file-ok tároása:
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1 (1) () reCURSIVE : /'/
Rekursive Alkönyvtrárak száma =0
Rekursive Alkönyvtrárakakban lévő fileok száma= 0
Rekursive Alkönyvtrárakakban lévő LOGfileok száma= 0
Rno1:0 SELECT * FROM web_rootpath where Bpath='' and Lastpath=''' INSERT INTO `web_rootpath` (`Bpath`,`Lastpath`,`Dirlevel`,`drive`,`rootDIRdb`,`rootFILEdb`,`error`,`regtime`)
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_POST _GET _SESSION 1 PATH_db 1 2 subFILE_db 0 3 subLOG_db 0 4 subPATH N 5 screenEXT /#screenEXT#/.jpg/.jpeg/.png/.ico/.gif/.bmp/ 6 docuEXT /#docuEXT#/.doc/.docx/.xls/.xlsx/.xlsm/.csv/.pdf/.epub/.mobi/.mdb/.accdb/.ppt/.pptx/ 7 zeneEXT /#zeneEXT#/.mp3/.waw/ 8 filmEXT /#filmEXT#/.mov/.avi/.mp4/.wmv/.vob/.csv/.pdf/ 9 zipEXT /#zipEXT#/.zip/.arj/.gz/ 10 phpEXT /#phpEXT#/.php/.~/.~~/.bak/.inc/ 11 htmlEXT /#htmlEXT#/.htm/.html/.shtml/.txt/.sql/.js/.css/ 12 basicEXT /#basicEXT#/.bas/.frm/.frx/.cls/ 13 SKIPEXT /#skipEXT#/.log/.err/cgi-bin/ 14 arrayEXT Array 15 arrayIMG Array 16 arrayURL Array 17 arrayURL2 Array 18 Ppath /home/ebonnhu1/cvteszt/_20240507 19 phpDUMP N 20 silver white